July 13, 2023
10:30 AM – 8:00 PM ET

2:15-2:38pm: White House Remarks Diane Howard, National Space Council

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Next Video: 2:30-2:40pm: Congressional Remarks Senator Kyrsten Sinema



July 13, 2023
Future Space Agenda

10:30: Set Up
  • FSL Team (Yasmine, Rebecca, Margaux, Jack, Brad) arrive
  • Lobby set up of registration table with name tags displayed (Margaux/Jack)
  • Room set up (Yasmine/Rebecca)
    • Yasmine to meet with Dave G. (Camera Man)
    • Rebecca set up powerpoint with AV from Margaux’s laptop
    • Tent cards next to podium (Rebecca)
  • Materials Necessary:
  • Tent cards
  • Margaux and Rebecca’s laptops
  • Name tags
10:45am: Check-in
  • Jack and Margaux in lobby helping give name tags to participants
  • Rebecca and Yasmine meet with speakers by podium
11:00am:    Welcome Remarks from Future Space Leaders Chairman: Bradley Cheetham
11:08am: Brad introduces Carissa Christensen and Commercial Exploration Panel
11:10am:   Commercial Exploration Panel
Moderator: Carissa Christensen, BryceTech
Brad Cheetham, Advanced Space  
Joe Landon, Crescent Space
Gus Miller, Blue Origin
Karina Drees, Commercial Spaceflight Federation
11:55am: Brad thanks panel and introduces Bob Cabana
12:00pm:  Civil Space Remarks
Bob Cabana, NASA
12:30pm: Brad thanks Bob Cabana and introduces lunch
12:30pm: Lunch & Space Experience 
Accompanying a casual lunch, companies will bring hardware or displays to the Senate room for attendees to interact with during the lunch period. Company representatives will have the chance to present technologies or explain missions to conference attendees.
1:43pm: Brad introduces AC Charania
1:45-2:05: Civil Space Remarks
AC Charania, NASA (invited)
2:05-2:15pm: Clay Mowry introduces Diane Howard
2:15-2:38pm: White House Remarks
Diane Howard, National Space Council
2:28-2:30pm: Brad introduces Senator Kyrsten Sinema
2:30-2:40pm: Congressional Remarks
Senator Kyrsten Sinema
2:40-2:42: Brad thanks Senator Sinema and introduces Eric Stallmer
2:42pm:   Civil Space Panel: On Orbit Activities – the Public, Private Perspective 
Moderator: Eric Stallmer, Voyager Space
Carolyn Belle, Astroscale US
Patricia Cooper, Constellation Advisory, LLC
Caryn Schenewerk, CS Consulting
3:30pm: Brett Silcox introduces Travis Langster and Chris Beauregard
3:30pm: National Security Fireside Chat 1:
Travis Langster, DOD OSD (Invited)
Chris Beauregard, Former Future Space Leaders Fellow
3:58-4:00pm: Brad introduces Col. Eric Felt and Debra Facktor
4:00pm: National Security Fireside Chat 2:
Col. Eric Felt
Debra Facktor
4:28-4:30pm: Brad introduces Senator John Hickenlooper
4:30pm: Congressional Remarks
Senator John Hickenlooper
4:45pm:  Concluding remarks by Chairman Bradley Cheetham
  • On screen powerpoint with address for reception
5pm: Clean Up
  • Yasmine and Jack stay for clean up with help of Airbus interns
  • Yasmine will recover Margaux’s laptop
  • Rebecca and Margaux head to office to help set up reception
5:30-8:00pm:  Reception at 900 19th St NW, Floor 6
  • Eric Stallmer will introduce speakers as they arrive for remarks
Congressional Speakers:
  • Representative Doug Lamborn
  • Representative Eric Sorensen (Invited)

